Lighted Path Scholé Community

About Us


“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path.” Psalm 119:105


We seek to be a collection of families who treasure God’s Word, honor God with all that we do, and demonstrate the importance and joy of growing in relationship with Jesus Christ. We are committed to enlightening our children with an excellent education, that above all else, points to the awesome work of the Creator of the universe. We gather together to share our talents as teachers, lightening the preparation load on each family, and allowing for hands-on group work and fellowship in a restful, contemplative, educational atmosphere.

Guiding Principles

Worship – we encourage a worshipful attitude throughout our time together, and will set the tone for the school day by beginning with a formal time of worship and prayer.
Rest – we encourage a restful attitude throughout our time together, and provide scheduled times for rest, including a communal snack break during the school day, a three weeks on / one week off yearly calendar, and a summer break.
Family-Style – classes will primarily be taught family-style, with a wide range of ages working together, each participating at their own ability level.
Noncompetition – teachers may provide students with encouraging and constructive feedback regarding their work produced in class, but no evaluations will be given. Parents are welcome to evaluate their own children’s work at home according to the educational objectives they have set for that child. There will be no comparison of performance or competition between students.

About Scholé Communities

Lighted Path Scholé Community is a registered homeschool co-op through Scholé Communities, a resource of Classical Academic Press There is no cost to registration as a scholé community. The only requirements are a commitment to restful, contemplative, classical learning, community, and affirmation of Christian faith (Nicene Creed). Families included on an official roster will receive access to classical teacher support resources and periodic discounts on Classical Academic Press materials.